The college fresh(wo)man

Since I am going away to college, I want this blog to be for those people that I have left behind. I hope people read it and enjoy it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My first day of class

Wednesday was my first official day of class. It went pretty well. My first class is at 7:50 and it was math, which sucks. Math was kind of boring, but I had homework on the first day. ewww... My second class was at 8:50 and its called Contemporary issues. My teacher was so funny. It seems like a fun class, but I have a quiz over the syllabus tomorrow. After that class was convocation which is mandatory. After convo I had English at 12:25. The teacher was so nice. She tried to make the class fun. It wasn't awkward. This is my favorite class.
Today I took three different classes and they didn't go as smoothly as the classes yesterday. First of all my alarm didn't go off and then I had to walk 20 minutes to class in the heat. My first class, psychology was at 9:20 and it was only 20 minutes long because the teacher didn't really have anything to say which was a breath of fresh air. Since the class was only 20 minutes, my friends and I went to the cafe and had some coffee and I saw my cousin. Then my next class, Bible, was at 10:50. Oh my gosh! There is so much stuff to do for this class. Good grief. The teacher was really nice, but there is so much work. I have to memorize practically the whole New testament and then some. Ergg. My next class was right after and in the same room so I didn't have to move. This is an Evangelism class which I wasn't looking to forward too because I didn't really know what to expect. The teacher was really outgoing, but the class itself, uck! I dropped that class and am taking 14 credits, but I feel that will be better and I wont feel as stressed out.
Well that was my day... Hope tomorrow goes better. I have two short quizes. Pray for me. Loves. Clarissa

Monday, August 14, 2006

My new home...

It's blurry- That is my roomate, Kelly, at her desk
This is my desk. It's full of stuff and my beautiful pictures!
This is my bathroom (half of it at least!)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Along ways from home

Hello everyone,

It is about 10:00 PM here in Virginia. I am sitting here in my apartment talking to my roomate. I found out that she's engaged!!! Crazy... Anywho. Today I was able to move in at 1:00 into my apartment. It took about 3 hours to get all my stuff into the apartment. Then I had to go to Target to get some more stuff. Tomorrow I am getting my books and then there is a welcome fair at 1 so my parents will be coming with me. Then we have to go to Bed Bath and Beyond and get some more things. So many things to get. I didn't realize how much stuff I would take to college. Well, its late and I am exhausted... Pictures will be coming soon. Loves. Clarissa

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I still want that feeling

Well well well,

I am soon to be a college student, but still want to be that high school student. I am of course scared to go to college, but excited at the same time. I want to be able to experience life outside of my parents house...
Liberty starts on the 23rd of August, but I have to be there on the 15 for freshman orientation. I am leaving on Friday (11th) on the Red eye. 12 hours to get there. Not too excited for that! I hope it's not to scary...